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How To Go From Worrier To Warrior: Find Your Inner Strength During These Times Of Change!


Staff member
Dec 14, 2023
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Have you found yourself resisting the changes that have been happening around you lately during this global shift? Have you found yourself wishing things could go back to the way they “used to be?”

The common thread I have been hearing as I speak to people in and outside of my healing practice is that, as things begin to open back up for a second or third time, it’s just not the same and they are grieving the way it was before this all happened.

As much as I have also found myself daydreaming of how it was before the big “P,” I can’t help but think back to another time in my life where I thought I had lost everything and felt similar to this.

Photo credit - Xuan NguyenIn 2016, I was involved in a freak head-on car accident. When I woke up in the ICU after a week-long coma, my body was so injured I couldn’t move. As I tried to put the pieces of my life back together, I wanted so badly to go back to the way I was before the accident where I could walk again and take a full deep breath into my lungs. I was a very healthy, active yoga instructor and full-time hairstylist at the time and would never have imagined anything like this ever happening to me.

My life was completely turned around, I thought I had lost everything. I had no money, no health insurance, and could no longer stand on my own two legs to work. I felt scared and lost and had no idea what I was going to do next. When I found myself longing for my life to go back to how it was before it was broken, a question came to me, “Was I completely happy in all areas of my life before this?” The answer was no. There was always room for more growth or something I wasn’t happy about and wanted to change about myself or my life. That’s when another question quickly arose, “What if I was to fully accept what was happening to me right now and see this as an opportunity for me to now create a whole new life for myself, one that felt more in alignment with what I truly wanted?”

Because I was so busy before the accident, I had missed so much of the beauty that surrounded me. I had forgotten to stop and smell the sweet roses of life, but now I was given a clean slate to start again and co-create a life that was filled with more truth and purpose.

At first, this experience was the scariest thing I had ever encountered. But, as time went on, I learned how to really surrender to the changes I was going through. This helped me to trust the journey ahead even if I had no idea what that looked like for me or my loved ones.

Once I was able to surrender and accept what was happening, I realized that instead of worrying about everything in the past, future, and all of the things that I had no control of outside of myself, I allowed myself to be in the present moment, because that was all I had.

In that present moment, when I gave myself permission to let go of any worry and fully embrace the energy of trust, that’s when I went from worrier to warrior!

I learned that I had a choice on how I wanted to feel. When I just let myself feel whatever I was feeling without any judgment or trying to fix it, change it or not feel it all, but fully accept each moment, that’s where the healing and transformation happened. I decided that instead of living in worry and fear, I would build an empire of love.

As humans, we experience things in our life that bring us either pain or joy. The way we respond is our choice. We can choose to suffer through something and let it break us down, or we can choose to face it, feel it, look it straight in the eye and find that warrior strength inside to ask ourselves instead, “what am I learning from this experience, how can I grow from this and where can I bring more gratitude into my life for the warrior that I already am?”

By allowing ourselves to feel it all without suppressing and being with the emotions as they flow through, we can bring more compassion and forgiveness to ourselves and to others.

As well as allowing ourselves to grieve and feel through this huge shift, which is a part of being human and perfectly normal, it can also be a time of co-creation with yourself. What would you like to be, do and have? All of this exists inside of each of us already. When we allow ourselves the time to slow down and surrender to the moment, we come back into alignment with our truth and find the answers within.

Photo Credit - Zac Durant

When I find myself in full worry mode, I use these 3 easy steps for shifting into a warrior instead:

Stop and bring awareness to the fact that I am worrying! Bringing awareness to the noisy worry thoughts is a wonderful tool. Once we can recognize that we are in worry mode, it’s easier to be able to shift it. say out loud, “I choose to let go of worry now and I trust the process.”

Take 10 full deep breaths with my hands on my belly to connect to my inner strength.

Say 3 things I am grateful for. This brings me back into the present moment.

Each moment is another opportunity for us to learn, grow and invite more love and compassion in for ourselves, others, and the world.

The only way to heal is to trust the process, let go of worry and remember that you have all of the answers within! You are brave. You are a spirit warrior!

Photo Credit

Warrior Woman by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

Sunset Man by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Guest Author Bio
Gianna Mauceri

Gianna Mauceri is a spiritual mentor and author of Soul of a Spirit Warrior – A True Story of Healing, Survival and Resilience. Gianna helps those who have experienced any kind of trauma come back to a place of self-compassion, love, and forgiveness. After eighteen years of hairdressing, Gianna was involved in a severe car accident which only helped her realize her true purpose was to be a guide for others in this way and offer the healing tools that helped her survive, heal, and live a life of unconditional love and passion. Gianna now runs her own healing business in San Diego, CA and is also a co-owner of the Tranquility School of Healing.

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